Monday, October 22, 2012

Serving several more ...

So excited to hear from my Mom tomorrow. She thinks my aunt is the only one who will get a Sunshine box ;) But she will too :)

Today I have had fun serving. One of my friends has been really sick this weekend. I called her and asked her what she needed. She said " nothing," so I told her I was going to bring her dinner and a drink. She requested an ice tea drink from the store.  I delivered it. She really was not feeling well and looks like she had been through the ringer. I made her a dinner in a pumpkin.  :) It felt great to help her in a time of need for her. I know in the past when I have been sick and others dropped off diner, it meant so much to me. No worries... just able to rest and get better.

I then signed a card and made another pumpkin dinner for a neighbor and delivered it. They were super excited to try it :) I hope they like it :)

During my day, I had to call in my sons prescription to be renewed. The nurse is always so nice and quick to get me what I need when I need it, so I felt impressed to take out one of the cards and candy bars I have been making for the school and give one to her.  I went to go pick up the prescription and I asked the secretary to please give her the card.  I know that she was most likely surprised... and I hope that she felt how thankful I am for all her hard work she does for our family. I hope she smiled:)

Serving others really brings so much happiness to myself. I feel pretty selfish in that way. Because I feel so good when I do nice things for others. I am getting to where I am finding things daily and wanting to do them.  :) Its exciting to think about it every day for me.. Who can I try to help smile? Feel special and loved!~

Excited to continue the serving this week :)

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