Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Homestudy done...

Friday, May 29, 2009
Homestudy done...

So we are now done with the homestudy part. Just waiting for Brenda to get our stuff finished and online. I can't wait. I wish we could just hurry up! I feel so anxious. Nervous... Very Excited!!!

This would be so much easier if I could just know someone picked us... and when she is due...
Tonight Todd and Jaden are leaving to go father son camping. So Along with Aylin we are going to have a girls night.... Today we will go to the ymca and tonight the movies.
I hate being alone and sleeping alone. I hope I can sleep. Anyhow... homestudy is done :)


One hour interviews :)

We did our one hour interview with Brenda Brown. (our Case Worker)
She asked me how did I know Todd loved me? Or how does he show it. I told her by asking me to dance out of nowhere, by calling me Beautiful and Sunshine. By picking me a rose from our rose garden and telling me he loves me. That he is a touchy feely kind of guy so we hold hands everywhere.
She asked me about my Mom and Wayne, I told her how involved they are and excited. How Mom is always sending care packages and we talk like daily. How Wayne loves to have the kids do projects when he comes for a visit. How we love being with them
She asked about Malene.... and Jason... (my siblings that died when I was a child) and I told her... she was sorry for me. NOT WHAT I WANTED...but usually happens.
She heard about Aylin and is impressed with our care to her.(a little girl I watch, her mother died in a car accident a year ago)
Brenda is coming next Thursday for our homestudy and can't wait to meet our children. She was so impressed with how well we spoke of our children. She said she can see we have done an amazing job with them :)
She told me she will put a hurry on all the paper work,
IN CASE SOMETHING HAPPENS QUICKER THAN EXPECTED :) Kinda gave me chills and then the tears flowed in the car as I thought about calling all my friend and family... and saying, come meet my boy:)
She asked me and Todd our thoughts on birth mothers. She said TOdd cried... I told her he is just very sentimental and sensitive. She told me I was very lucky to have a man like him. I told her, YOu don't stay married for 19 years if your not lucky :)
so I am excited almost done with this part :) CAN'T COME FAST ENOUGH :)

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