To My Hero, Forever and Always
True hero's aren't those you see
In magazines or on t.v.
Not Superman or Hercules
Who save the day with an ease
It's a man who with his love still
Guides me, protects me and teaches me to kneel
True and faithful to his country and Lord he
for sure may be
He still finds time just for me
Our long conversations that help me through life
And his priesthood that guides me through my strife
From him I know how important America is to me
And to give all in charity
He has watched over me since I was born
And from temple blessings we will never be torn
My Hero has helped me to be
The Lady I am and one day he'll see
I'll reach the temple and make him proud
To receive sealing blessings and be forever endowed
I love you my father, my hero forever
You've blessed me so much, don't forget, never!
I'm so lucky the Lord gave me you!
To be my Daddy and Hero too!
(written by Virginia)
Guardian Angels aren't just from above
They're in our homes and give us love
One of mine have been with me,
Since I was a little baby
She gave me life and watched me grow
She taught me to crawl and throw cheerios
Through the years she's been my best friend
Who stuck with me to the very end
She supports me and loves me so
I couldn't live without her, no matter how tall I grow
Now I've grown and she can see
The child she raised is a lady
Soon I'll be off and on my way
But my Mom is in my heart to always stay
Thank you for all the years and years to come
Full of love, advice, and teachings from
The best Mom the Lord could send
To be my guardian angel and best friend.
(written by Virginia)
Sister, O Sister I love you so
You're as cute as a button and as beautiful as a bow
Life won't be easy as you think
Sometimes it can really stink
So when you're down and feeling blue
Remember your Big Sister who loves you!
There is so much ahead, good and bad...
Take the experiences for all you had
The Lord loves you and has given you a light
That can shine through the darkest night
Don't be afraid to kneel down and pray
For the Love he has for you will EVER STAY!
You are my sister so please know
Our love will never shrink but only grow
I'm here for you, whatever you need
Even with the world's nasty weed
Never doubt yourself or look down
For you're a daughter of a king and deserve the prettiest crown
( Written by Virginia)
My little brother you will forever be
But one day you'll be taller than me
As you get older keep in mind
You're brilliant and one of a kind
Choose the right in ALL you do
And be the man the Lord needs of you
Don't be scared to stand alone for what's right
Let your light so shine even in the darkest night
Be faithful and strong and respect all girls
No matter their height, age, weight, or curls
You are very lucky but have responsibility
To hold the priesthood to the best of your ability
Remember that the special keys you will hold
Connect Earth to Heaven's windows
I love you very much for the man you are and will be
Stick to the Church and your family
You are amazing, my brother, know this forever
Your sister loves you more than you can measure!
(written by Virginia)