Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Second Coming...

 When I was  a child... I pictured the second coming all happening at once... the wars and rumors of wars... the earth quakes/floods/tornados... etc.  I also use to think that the Prophet would get up one day and say ITS TIME... PACK YOUR STUFF AND GO!

But now... I don't. I feel that its all really happening right before our eyes...but because its not happening all over at once.... maybe others are not recognizing it. Because the Prophet isn't saying ITS TIME in so many words... that others are not hearing it.....

The tsunamis, the floods, the fires.... the earth quakes... the tornado's... THE WINTER STORM that is so bad that they have NO SALT to help the people back east.....  This is what the scriptures are talking about. The soon to be civil war want to be in Russia...  all of it......  People just sluff it off...its just a storm... or its just a earth quake...   or oh how horrible for them... but to me.. I see one big spider web.... all of this will eventually affect us all. The food..... the land... the farmers....  everything..... 

The Prophet stopped a long time ago telling us to get food storage.... people were warned and they still did nothing so why beat your head up against a wall. I don't want my children to go hungry or my family... .or my neighbors and their children.....   I don't want to be that GRASSHOPPER who plays all day... I want to be the ANT!~ Who works, prepares and does what he should.

There has been a conference that said... its time.. TO SHARE OUR TESTIMONIES everywhere...a HASTENING!  To me that says.. HURRY  HASTEN... HURRY we have a short time left....  

The government is worsening and I don't see it getting better. I see it failing completely.  It is scary. This gun rights thing.... scary....  I think we need our guns to protect ourselves.... The bad guys will always find a way to get guns....

there is so much on my mind..... I feel there are many distractions in this life... So many. I go into a store and it is full from top to bottom OF THINGS... everywhere.... things I would even enjoy but its a distraction... What do I NEED? What does my family NEED? That is what I should buying not things I WANT!  Things that I will eventually have to dust often or store somewhere or resell at a garage sell.  THINGS...they don't matter.... FOOD... WATER.... being healthy.... that matters..... having what we need!  

I just had to write my thoughts... I think the second coming is around the corner. I think it really is.

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