Monday, October 14, 2013

Life as a mute...

I have lost my voice. COMPLETELY! I can barely whisper... I don't know if I just did too much or what..... I am feeling better today... sore but better...still no sound coming from my mouth. I wonder is there a reason? I tell my kids there is a reason for everything. Could God be teaching me to be still? To not say mean things? bad words? Or talk too harshly or loudly towards the ones I love? I just wonder......

Its been fun trying to communicate with my children. They have had fun trying to figure me out. I call it "MOM's SIGN LANGUAGE"   lol 

The little children have listened way better than ever... I am not yelling :) The house IS quieter :)  I guess I produce a lot of sound LOL

Its interesting as I ran some errands today the many people who would make small talk and I couldn't do anything but smile and nod back. I wonder if they thought I was rude... not understanding my situation.....

Anyhow.... I hope to get my voice back soon. I do miss it so much! I love to sing and talking is just a big part of what I like to do... and I like to call my grandbaby and talk to her on the phone.  So its really important I get it back :) SOON!

But trying to stay positive as to why and how it can be a blessing :) I am evaluating things :)

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