Letter from Jaden
Dear Birth Parents,
My name is Jaden and I am the only boy so far in our family. My family and I have been praying for our baby to come to us. Everyone, even my sisters, know that someone very special is missing. I am excited to be a big brother too. Let me tell you about our family. First about me, I am a cub scout and my Dad loves scouts and helping me in scouts.
My Dad is awesome. He can do anything. He goes to work and college. He even goes on field trips with us kids. All the kids in my family get to have date time with my Mom and Dad, which is always fun! My Mom and I play ping pong, I am better at it and always win. Our family loves animals, we have lots of them. They are really nice and love people. We do a lot of family things together.

We play games together, sing together and even dance together. We love to go camping and roasting marsh mellows is yummy. We sometimes make a tent with blankets in our house and watch movies together. That is the best! For my birthday I made a wish that our baby would come to our family. My parents told my sisters and I that we will have an open adoption. Which means you can be my family too.
Mom says it is up to our birth parents and we will love and respect them on what they want. Please check us out. Please pray about us. I can't wait to thank you for my baby brother that my Mommy could not give to me.
Love, Jaden
p.s. we can be found at http://hopingtoadopt.org/index.php/family/letters/56
and https://www.itsaboutlove.org/ial/profiles/23105206/ourMessage.jsf
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