Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Catch up

Its time to catch up....
So my older children are all moved out.... living on their own... trying to get pregnant....  doing great :)
My other 6 kids are now home for the summer :) My one daughter is healing from recent tragedies and my boys are Karate and loving it.
 We are currently waking up every day early to get one daughter to drivers ed and then I am teaching my youngest 3 to get into a daily habit of praying first... then reading scriptures... after breakfast we do some schooling to help them keep up and prepare for the upcoming year and the rest of the day is play , chores and maybe a project here and there.
One of my sons is off for several days camping..... and next week he turns 14. Crazy He is already taller than me.  :)
My parents are coming for a visit the week afte the 14th and I am looking forward to it :)

I want to repaint the house this summer.. We are talking about putting wood floors down and wood stairs in. :)  Then we might sell. My oldest is graduating this next year so we promised to wait for her to graduate first. But then we are down sizing into the forever home... the one we want t pay off and retire in :) 

Not sure where we will go yet... we want land is all we know :) and closer to my husbands work :)