Before I share a personal story with you, I just want to express in behalf of my husband and myself, that who ever chooses us needs to know. I am open to whatever the birth mother needs and wants in the relationship between us (the adoptive parents/birth parents)I am open to change, when you need more pictures or communication, just let me know. When your needing less, I will make a blog just for you, that way you can see as much or as little. Whatever the birth mother is needing or hopes to attain in this relationship with us, we are open to :)
I know I have not yet adopted, but I have a good perspective of what Adoption is.
Adoption to me is about love and the CHILD :) Having the priveledge to watch a little girl that I have watched since her birth has been a huge blessing to me and as of last year a blessing to her. Let me explain.... when my friend, Gesa got pregnant, She asked me to watch her child while she worked. She was a doctor. I was able to watch her child the day she came home.

Gesa had a c-section. She knew I had a great love for this child. She trusted me completely. So I helped Gesa raise this little girl Aylin.

She and I had moments where we talked about how we were raising her... what we were teaching her and what Gesa wanted out of life for her. Everything I did, I did with respect , love and because I did it for Aylin, the child. Gesa and I shared a motherhood in her life. I would take her to work so Gesa could breastfeed her... and then bring her back to my home. I got to watch this child learn to roll over, crawl, walk, speak her first words, and sentences... I got all the priveledges of a mother and I love her just as much as one of my own children. Gesa was so sharing with Aylin to me :) Well a year ago, Gesa and Aylin were in a horrible car accident. Gesa died. Aylin was 3 years old. This is their last picture together, a day before the crash...

She had a broken neck and a broken knee... along with a broken heart...

but having been apart of her life since she was born, I think it helped to heal her. She is very much apart of our family. Her dad sometimes has to leave for business trips and we get to keep her for weeks at a time. :) I love it . She loves it. She can't wait to be a big sister...(when we adopt, she says she is the baby right now of the family, but soon she will be a big sister ) So this was a situation where two mothers loved one child, shared in that childs raising and communication was a really important part of what we were doing.... helped me realized, it was never about me, or Gesa, it was always about the child....just like adoption...its about the child!
I might not have adopted Aylin legally in this life, but I have in my heart... and I think that open adoption is possible, for I feel I have somewhat already experienced it.
To this day, I know what Gesa wanted for her daughter and I honor her by trying to raise Aylin in that manner, along with my ideas. I am very excited for the day I am able to be a mother to another child, my child, the one I adopt.
This is our Flower Pot that we dedicated to the baby. It holds just a few things that we have bought to keep us focused that our child will come :)
This is our first outfit we have bought. I love bugs, I had a convertable bug for my first car... so I fell in love with the colors and the design on this sleeper. Just had to have it.
Cally my 12 year old made this hat for the baby :) I thought that was so sweet. She just came downstairs one day and said, look what I made for the baby :)
Poor Aylin she was sick, so we made her up a bed and spent the day reading books, coloring and watching movies together!
I loved the pattern on this fleece. I call my children little monkeys sometimes... so it fits perfect! I Loved it... Taylor helped me make it:)