Sunday, January 20, 2013

Reflecting on how to teach

  This last week... I have prepared myself for this Sundays lesson like I have never prepared myself before.  I am awe over the many things that came to my mind over the week that I should bring into my lesson or point out. 
This weeks lesson is on "How can I learn to see Heavenly Father’s hand in all things?"    To me that is.... GOD's Hands in my Daily Life. 
 I have found things I have looked for a zillion times ... but I was led to find them :) I have watched a movie that I felt I was led to watch that touched me so deeply...  its called The Letter Writer.    As I was trying to catch up on some rest this morning, thinking I was ready for class... done...  I could NOT fall back to sleep...for the spirit kept telling me to get up and go write down the letter in that movie and hand it out to my youth. NOT JUST MY LITTLE CLASS, ALL THE YOUTH in Sunday School.  I have always been one to listen to the spirits promptings, so I got up from my very warm bed and I went down stairs and played the movie ...finding all the spots where this letter was read... sometimes re-listening and reading what I wrote to make sure it was correct. It took me an hour to do this letter.  When I was done making some changes in the letter to fit my youth... I printed them up... here is what it looks like....  I put each youth's name after the Awesome and there was a picture of Key on the top of the letter.

Dear Amazing and Awesome ....                                                                                                                                                                                                     

 I hope that you appreciate your life and the source in which is springs. Always remember that you’re a beautiful being and gracious, that you are here for a unique purpose. I know life can be difficult, it’s easy to lose sight of things that really matter, but I trust that deep inside you know what is precious in your life.  Remember to do at least one thing every day that gives purpose to your existence. Look around for the hidden messages of beauty and truth. You can find them in every tree, every flower and every human being. WE are all connected, along for each other’s encouragement, understanding and love.  I hope you know that you are deeply loved. There are many who look up to you and find in you an example that inspires and uplifts.   Thank you for being such a good person. Ever since you were little you were off to great things.  Your parents always knew you had a special spirit about you, have the gift of making other people feeling good about themselves, of being kind, thoughtful. May the Lord bless you always.  You might sometimes feel alone in this world. You are not. Someone is watching over you and blessing your life even though at times it may not seem like it. Your happiness is the reward of the happiness you endow to others. I assure you that if you give of yourself you will receive in return the blessings of a life full of purpose and joy.  There is a balance in all things…. If you give…you will receive. Most people are too absorbed to recognize it. Life is like a mirror, who you are is reflected by those around you. You can choose who and what you want in your life. If you want good in helping people around you, be good at helping.  Your spirit is unbroken even though you have to conquer so much.  You have the strength of a lion and despite any pain or suffering you might go through in your life! Your smile is as bright as the sun and the heavens smile upon you with affection. The Love of God will follow you wherever you go and your light will shine forth through out all eternity.  A key is a symbol of your ability to unlock any door on your path to happiness, it represents a GOLDEN KEY of opportunity and potential. Choose wisely, you weren’t aware of it but this key has been with you all your life. You just haven’t learned to use it yet. Whatever you want to accomplish to do in your life you have the key to do so, it is the same key that allows you to find happiness and fulfillment in this life and with which you can bless others. Always remember this key is yours and yours alone. Whenever you find yourself blaming others for your circumstances, look at the key… It cannot be taken away from you. You alone decide which doors to open and which paths to take. This is the gift of your life and you alone hold the key to it.

Even though this letter, these words came from a movie called, “ The Letter Writer,”  I believe this letter to be true for you. I believe in YOU! I know you have blessed me and so many others just by knowing you J GO OUT AND SHINE FORTH! You have so much to offer this world. SO much TRUTH and KNOWLEDGE!   I wish I could of written this letter, but I promise you I feel these words for you from the bottom of my heart!  I believe in you, I am always here if you ever feel alone, you can always call on me.
Love your friend,
Sister Mikesell

Last week.... I handed out a paper for them to fill out so that I could get to know them all better.  There was a spot on there that asked... ARE YOU HAPPY?  and tell me something about yourself I do not know...... In several papers the answer was NO I am NOT HAPPY and I AM LONELY... that broke my heart.... these amazing youth are struggling so much in life.... 

The lesson I have prepared has a great story like conversation between God and a person... which basically points out that even on your worst days, God is there... and that maybe some things happen in your life... good or bad for a reason... that we just have to trust in the Lord to know that he does have our backs. I read it to my Husband and he had tears in his eyes :) So I think its good :) 

I haven't taught my lesson yet... but I am hoping that it touches them. That it teaches them something that they didn't think about...that I bring something new and wonderful to their lives. That I can make a difference in some way and that they know I love them.  I worked so hard on it... I am nervous about not getting it all done but I am praying that the spirit will guide us and the most important things that need to be taught and heard will be with the spirit present.

I am going to start off with having them make a list *that only they see* the list is what they do from morning to night on an ordinary day.  Then another list on what they do on Sunday from morning to night.... then I will ask them do they see a difference? If not ...they should.... I will ask do they have on their lists..*BOTH* read their scriptures, say their prayers,  share their talents, serve someone, and of coarse go to church.   I will then lead the discussion on how to recognize Heavenly Father in our lives if we don't do our part.... then share ideas on how to recognize him in their life.... some of those are to ask family members to help them find something that says he was there that day... *sometimes its hard to recognize it on our own*  how to remember it so our testimonies can grow... it doesn't have to be in a journal alone...they can use their talents... like write it down in a poem, make a song, draw it, take a picture of it or even record it by video.  Then I will explain as we recognize it... remember it ... it helps our testimonies grow and we will be quicker to recognize every time his hands are in our lives. 

I have asked several friends to share with me their testimonies of Gods hands in their lives... and they are wonderful. I wrote them out put them in envelopes and I will paste them up on a wall for the youth to pick from and read from.    I am hoping that hearing about other peoples experiences...which are all different... will help them find Gods hands in their own lives.

I know this is a crucial time in their lives when they need guidance and love and to know they are NOT alone...They are loved. Their needs are known...their prayers are heard...Their efforts are amazing and to NOT EVER GIVE UP! I hope that they feel this with all that I am... I have prepared more than this... I just hope its what they need. I feel I have been guided and directed all week. I have written down every thought that I had so I could organize it... I have done the best I can... I pray its what they need.  I feel it is. I am very excited to give each a personal letter of love. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing this. I NEEDED this letter an message today. I'm greatful for your talents an your willingness to share them. You are such an example to me. I love you.